Time to Lose weight Before Summer- By: Margot Oliver

Description : 1. Mental Toughness

Before you can actually take action, you have to be mentally focused on losing weight. You must be prepared to change your daily habits and implement these changes and be confident and persistent. It may be slightly difficult at first, but after a while these changes should become a normal daily habit.

2. Drink plenty of water

Many people have no idea how important drinking water is in their lives. Many health professionals recommend eight glasses of water daily. Now, I am not saying you should drink that much, but I think that you should drink as much as possible. Stay away from pop, alcohol and coffee. Limit your milk and fruit juice intake (a small glass in the morning is fine). Herbal teas and green teas are great, but exclude the sugar or honey and drink it plain. Do not worry, you will get used to it!

3. Get plenty of rest try and Sleep 8 hours

Buy yourself an alarm clock if you do not have one already. Set it every night to go off in 8.5 hours (the 0.5 is more or less the time to fall asleep). Make sure you follow this everyday! Studies have found that people that sleep less and people that sleep more then these 8 hours tend to gain weight faster then the ones that stick to 8 hours per night. Your body needs rest and time to recuperate.

4. Eating Right

This step might be the hardest for most people that are used to eating whatever they crave. Try to eat 6 - 7 small meals per day. This will keep your body from going into starvation mode and will help your metabolism get a move on. I know the majority of us are used to eating a large meal at dinner then sit on the couch for hours watching TV. This must not happen! Small meals, switch from white bread to whole wheat, eat one slice of bread instead of the regular two. Make sure you stay away from fried foods, try to grill most your proteins and cut down on your carbohydrates. Try to measure it like this... half the plate veggies, a quarter of the plate a lean meat and the other quarter the carbohydrates like rice, potatoes or pasta. This may take some time to get used to, but when your pants start getting baggy, it will be all worth it.

5. Stay Active

I'm sure this step is nothing new for anyone. Everyone knows that to stay healthy, we must stay active. Now not everyone follows this advice, but to loss weight, its mandatory. For those people that have a physically active job it maybe easier, but for people that work in an office sitting down all day, its going to be much harder. Take 30 - 60 minutes per day to work up a sweat, preferably first thing in the morning. Buy yourself a treadmill or elliptical machine if its too cold to jog outside. Do whatever it takes to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise into your daily routine. It maybe difficult, but will pay off in the end.

So there you have it, 5 simple steps to weight loss! It does take changes in your life, it does take some time to get used to it, but if you are serious about losing all those extra pounds and want to be physically healthy, it is all worth it.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : http://www.squidoo.com/drop-weight-fast-before-summer